What do you think when you hear the words “public transit”? Are you filled with fear and dread or is it a non-issue for you? Unless you live in a city with a useful transit system, it’s likely that you’re not using it regularly or at all. That is why I wonder if those on vacation, or just traveling in general ever think to look into public transit options?

Those visiting or who live in NYC, London, or Hong Kong are very likely to consider public transit as part of their transportation strategy as those cities have extensive and useful transit systems. I keep using the word useful because there are many cities that have public transit, but they often don’t seem like they were planned with any thoughts to where people might actually want to go and operate so infrequently that they really aren’t that helpful for getting anywhere in a reasonable amount of time.

The NYC subway and the London Tube aren’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination, although Hong Kong’s subway system comes close, they are still very good and cost-effective ways to get around those respective cities that all residents and visitors should consider. I was thinking about public transit and traveling recently as I was remembering past trips and in particular the sudden horror I had on a pre-pandemic trip to the Canadian Rockies when a friend had suggested that I meet them in a city called Vernon by taking a public bus (gasp). I was at the time in a city called Kelowna (which is beautiful and surrounded by wineries) and Vernon is about 31 miles (50 kilometers) away. Under normal circumstances, I would have just rented a car for the day to join them, but as I had already spent the earlier part of the day sampling some of the amazing local wines this was not an option. My friends then suggested that I use the local transit, which sounded at first like a threat, LOL. However, they assured me that it’s a safe option and would only cost me about $3.00. As I trusted these friends not to send me on a suicide mission, I did use this option, and let me say that I am so glad I did! The buses were clean, climate-controlled, and on time. I used Google Maps to plan my journey (there’s a tab that shows you public transit options for your journey in case you hadn’t seen it before), but it was effortless and seamless even with a bus transfer. 

This has definitely changed my views on incorporating public transit into my travels in places where it’s not as obvious to use it. I also like using it when possible because then I can experience life there as a local and not just through the filter of tourism. 

If you’re traveling lightly, and are going to a destination close to downtown in Atlanta, I highly recommend using the subway to get you downtown and then Ubering or using a taxi for the rest of your journey. Traffic is so crazy that it typically takes about an hour or two just to get from the airport to Downtown Atlanta and the subway can whisk you there in about 20 minutes for $2.50. If you’re in Downtown Tampa and you’re looking to go to historic Ybor City, hop on one of the streetcars (which are actually now free to ride). While you could get there in half the time in a car, it’s free, better for the environment, and only takes about 20-25 minutes. 

While I am promoting the use of public transit wherever you are, I do remind you not to abandon all your senses and to do your research before you embark on this new adventure. If the transit system in your new city is haunted by evil spirits then obviously don't jump on without watching all the Ghost Busters movies so that you know how to properly protect yourself. I thought I would add that before someone comments angrily below about how my suggestion to use public transit cost them their soul. As with everything in life, you need to make your own choices based on what’s best for your situation. 

So what are your thoughts on using public transit? Is it something you regularly try to incorporate into your travel plans? How nuts do you think I am for suggesting that you ride the subway in Atlanta?


