King Siu King Siu

Solo in Egypt: Cruising, Temples & Murder Mysteries

I really had no idea what to expect when I set out to travel solo in Egypt.

Prior to my recent my trip on their Nile Cruise Premium tour, sponsored by Exodus Travels, I had never been on a cruise. Now, I can see why it appeals to so many. It’s a very comfortable and easy way to travel. What’s not to like about having all your meals prepared for you and living in a floating hotel? It was also a nice way to see the different sides of Egypt’s landscapes as one moment you might be sailing through more desert-like settings, the next, lush agricultural lands, or even both at the same time on opposite sides of the river.

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King Siu King Siu

Visiting Luxor and the Valley of the Kings: Best Tombs and Temples

I wasn’t pleased to be waking up at 3:00 am to catch my flight from Cairo but knowing that I was on my way to visiting Luxor and the Valley of the Kings gave me the strength to carry on. Well, that and coffee.

Luxor is also where the river cruising portion of my Nile Cruise Premium tour with Exodus Travels would begin. I had never been on a cruise prior to this, so I was interested to see what all the cool kids already knew about this form of travel.

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King Siu King Siu

Exploring Cairo: Sandstorms, Surprises, and a Sphinx

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to visit Egypt and see for myself the wonders that have been left behind by the ancient Egyptians. I finally got that chance recently and I still can’t believe I was actually exploring Cairo last week! It was also my first overseas trip in over two years, so that experience was surreal as well.

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King Siu King Siu

Spring Break Destinations Off the Beaten Path

Don’t follow the crowds of college kids to party destinations like Cancun or Daytona Beach – unless, of course, you’re looking to enjoy your best life on a trip that has a 50/50 chance of becoming the Fyre Festival. While many see this as a rite of passage, I’m here to let you know it really doesn’t have to be that way.

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