The recent election seems to have placed many of us in a combative mood, so I thought I'd start a discussion about beignets to channel some of that energy into something more delicious. More specifically, I want to discuss who has the best beignets in New Orleans, Louisiana. 

For those who are unfamiliar with these lumps of sweet joy, they are fried pieces of dough covered in icing sugar. Many would describe them as doughnut-like, and that's a fair comparison, so let's just go with that until you can try one for yourself.

For our contest, I am only going to compare the beignets from Café du Monde and Café beignet. I'm not trying to say they're the best two in New Orleans, they're just the two that I've tried, so just chill before you flame me. If you have others that you love and recommend, let us know in the comments below.

Allergy alert: I believe they both use peanut oil to fry their beignets, so decide beforehand if you would like these beignets to be your final meal, or load up on your EpiPens.

Café Beignet

Café Beignet isn't as well known, but it seems to have a super loyal following as well. I found that it was easier to sample these because the lines aren't as insane as Café du Monde in the French Quarter. Founded in 1990, Café Beignet doesn't have the same history as Café du Monde, but they've been able to carve out a niche for themselves with live jazz, cocktails, and pet-friendly outdoor seating in some locations.

I found their beignets tasty, and the texture was light and airy. My beignets arrived hot and still steaming, which is essential to the proper enjoyment of these fried, doughy chunks of heaven. I would caution anyone from wearing dark clothing while eating beignets because it's quite impossible for the generous coating of powdered sugar not to end up on you. For the rest of the day, everyone will wonder if you just ate a beignet or if you have a drug problem.

Café du Monde

Café du Monde is the OG of beignets that everyone has on their New Orleans to-do lists, and that's no surprise for a place that's been serving people (and possibly a few vampires) since 1862. I definitely recommend visiting before 8:00 a.m. or after midnight, unless you enjoy standing in lines. Also, they only accept cash, so make sure you have some handy before you get in that line. More than likely, if this is your first visit you will head to the location in the French Quarter, and the first thing you will notice is the visit is more of an experience than the one you had at Café Beignet. The history and energy of the venue (as staff whirl around in a blur with steaming hot beignets) all add to the circus-like choreography that entertains from the minute you enter until the moment you leave. The staff are also endlessly entertaining and know how to work their audience by providing such services as photographer and tourist information. Once again, you will find yourself covered in sugar from the experience, so just go into it with the expectation that you will leave looking like a snowman.

Like at Café Beignet, the beignets arrived hot, steamy, and covered in sugar. These too were delicious, and the only difference I would point out was that Café du Monde's beignets had a chewier center.

And the winner is...

I'll start by saying they are both delicious, but I preferred the lighter overall texture of the Café Beignet version of this delicious dessert. It reminded me of profiteroles, and I really like profiteroles. Sorry, Café du Monde fans.

Beyond the beignets, hipsters among us will prefer Café Beignet as it feels more like a place that locals would frequent, where Café du Monde definitely fits in the category of a tourist trap.

Regardless of where you stand on this, let me know if you agree or disagree, or if there are other places in New Orleans that you'd recommend over these two options.


